Nov. intake 2016 application deadline
All onshore applications for USC Sydney must be submitted to USC International by end of week 1 i.e. Friday, 2nd December 2016.
All applications for GTE assessment must be submitted to ATMC Admission Team by 12.00pm Friday, 2nd December 2016.
USC墨尔本和USC悉尼都是专门的校区,只为国际学生提供一系列的USC商务和IT学位课程。 它们由Australian Technical and Management College(ATMC)代表USC运营。 所有课程(科目)由USC的教职员协调,由ATMC的工作人员使用USC课程进行教学。 学生毕业后获取USC的学位。
USC Melbourne and USC Sydney are both specialist campus' offering a small range of USC business and IT degree programs to international students only. They are operated on behalf of USC by the Australian Technical and Management College (ATMC). All courses (subjects) are coordinated by a USC academic staff member and teaching is done by staff engaged by ATMC, using the USC curriculum. Successful students graduate with a USC degree.
USC 2017 Tuition Fee
商业学士学位(会计)一学年涨价1400澳币,是所有课程中最大的涨幅,从2016年的 19,800澳币增加到2017年的21,200澳币。
所有的硕士课程一学年增加 1000澳币,从2016年的22,800澳币增加到2017年的23,800澳币。
2017年 USC墨尔本和悉尼的课程学费如下:
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) increased 1400 annually, the biggest increased among all courses which from19,800 in 2016 to 21,200 in 2017.
All master courses increased1000 annually from 22,800 in 2016 to23,800 in 2017.
Tuition fees for 2017 for programs offered at USC Melbourne and Sydney as below: ⬇
Bachelor of Business 商业学士
20,600( 澳币 )
Bachelor of Business(Tourism,Leisure&Event Management) 商业学士(旅游,休闲及活动管理)20,600( 澳币)
Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting)
Bachelor of Information &Communications Technology 信息通信技术学士 20,800( 澳币)
Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士
23,800( 澳币)
Master of Business Administration(Extended)
工商管理硕士(扩展)23,800( 澳币)
Master of Business Administration/Master of International Business工商管理硕士/国际商务硕士
23,800( 澳币)
Master of Information&Communications Technology 信息通信技术硕士23,800( 澳币)
Master of Professional Accounting 专业会计硕士
$23,800( 澳币)
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