课程长度 1-1.5年 | 早课 晚课 | 周中课 周末课 | 分期付款
该文凭反映了金融服务和其他行业中专业会计工作的角色。 担任这些职务的个人将解决方案应用于一系列通常很复杂的问题,并分析和评估来自各种来源的信息。 他们在定义的指导原则下主动计划,协调和评估自己的工作和对他人的指导。
在可能使用此资格证书的职业区域中的工作职能必须遵守法规要求。 有关要求的特定指南,请参阅《 FNS实施指南伴侣卷》或相关监管机构。
该资格包括构成澳大利亚税务法和商法中认可的税务从业者委员会(TPB)课程的单元。 寻求在城规会注册的人应向董事会检查当前的注册要求。
Completion of the FNSSS00014 Accounting Principles Skill Set;
Completion of FNS40615 Certificate IV in Accounting or equivalent;
Completion of FNS40215 Certificate IV in Bookkeeping or equivalent.
Total number of units = 11
6 core units plus
5 elective units
The elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the integrity of the AQF alignment, and contribute to a valid industry-supported vocational outcome, and are to be chosen as follows:
Core Units
FNSACC511 Provide financial and business performance information
FNSACC512 Prepare tax documentation for individuals1
FNSACC513 Manage budgets and forecasts
FNSACC514 Prepare financial reports for corporate entities
FNSACC516 Implement and maintain internal control procedures
FNSACC517 Provide management accounting information
Elective Units
BSBITU402 Develop and use complex spreadsheets
BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships
FNSACC408 Work effectively in the accounting and bookkeeping industry
FNSACC505 Establish and maintain accounting information systems
FNSACC601 Prepare and administer tax documentation for legal entities1
FNSACC607 Evaluate business performance
FNSFMK505 Comply with financial services legislation and industry codes of practice
FNSINC503 Identify situations requiring complex ethical decision making
FNSINC504 Apply ethical frameworks and principles to make and act upon decisions
FNSINC601 Apply economic principles to work in the financial services industry
FNSINC602 Interpret and use financial statistics and tools
FNSORG505 Prepare financial reports to meet statutory requirements
FNSORG506 Prepare financial forecasts and projections
FNSPAY501 Process salary packaging arrangements and additional allowances in payroll
FNSPAY502 Process superannuation payments in payroll
FNSPAY503 Process complex employee terminations in payroll
FNSPAY504 Interpret and apply knowledge of industrial regulations relevant to payroll
FNSPAY505 Interpret and apply knowledge of taxation systems relevant to payroll
FNSTPB503 Apply legal principles in consumer and contract law2
FNSTPB504 Apply legal principles in corporations and trust law2
FNSTPB505 Apply legal principles in property law2
FNSTPB506 Apply taxation requirements when providing tax (financial) advice services3
FNSTPB507 Apply legal principles in commercial law when providing tax (financial) advice services3
Note the following prerequisite unit requirements:
Unit in this qualification |
Prerequisite units |
FNSACC514 Prepare financial reports for corporate entities |
BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports FNSACC311 Process financial transactions and extract interim reports |
FNSACC601 Prepare and administer tax documentation for legal entities |
FNSACC512 Prepare tax documentation for individuals |
FNSACC607 Evaluate business performance |
FNSACC511 Provide financial and business performance information |
1 Unit included in the Tax Practitioners Board approved course in Australian taxation law: FNSSS00008 Taxation Law for Tax Agents Skill Set (Tax documentation).
2 Unit included in the Tax Practitioners Board approved course in commercial law: FNSSS00005 Commercial Law for Tax Agents Skill Set.
3 Unit included in the Tax Practitioners Board approved course in commercial law for tax (financial) advisers: FNSSS00006 Commercial Law for Tax (Financial) Advisers Skill Set
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