课程长度 1-1.5年 | 早课 晚课 | 周中课 周末课 | 分期付款
Total number of units = 20
8 core units plus
12 elective units
The elective units consist of:
The elective units chosen must be relevant to the work outcome and meet local industry needs.
Core units
BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace
ICTDBS504 Integrate database with a website
ICTICT418 Contribute to copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment
ICTICT515 Verify client business requirements
ICTWEB501 Build a dynamic website
ICTWEB502 Create dynamic web pages
ICTWEB503 Create web-based programs
ICTWEB516 Research and apply emerging web technology trends
Elective units
BSBEBU501 Investigate and design e-business solutions
BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
ICTDBS415 Build a database
ICTDBS502 Design a database
ICTICT406 Build a graphical user interface
ICTICT503 Validate quality and completeness of system design specifications
ICTICT509 Gather data to identify business requirements
ICTICT514 Identify and manage the implementation of current industry specific technologies
ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation
ICTNWK421 Install, configure and test network security
ICTNWK514 Model preferred system solutions
ICTPMG501 Manage ICT projects
ICTPRG413 Use a library or pre-existing components
ICTPRG415 Apply skills in object-oriented design
ICTPRG418 Apply intermediate programming skills in another language
ICTPRG425 Use structured query language
ICTPRG430 Apply introductory object-oriented language skills
ICTPRG503 Debug and monitor applications
ICTPRG504 Deploy an application to a production environment
ICTPRG505 Build advanced user interface
ICTPRG506 Design application architecture
ICTPRG507 Implement security for applications
ICTPRG509 Build using rapid application development
ICTPRG512 Prepare for the build phase of an ICT system
ICTPRG513 Coordinate the build phase of an ICT system
ICTPRG515 Review developed software
ICTPRG523 Apply advanced programming skills in another language
ICTPRG527 Apply intermediate object-oriented language skills
ICTPRG531 Prepare for application development using current methods
ICTPRG532 Apply advanced object-oriented language skills
ICTPRG601 Develop advanced mobile multi-touch applications
ICTSAD501 Model data objects
ICTSAD502 Model data processes
ICTSAD506 Produce a feasibility report
ICTSAS504 Develop and conduct client acceptance test
ICTSAS505 Review and update disaster recovery and contingency plans
ICTSAS519 Perform systems tests
ICTTEN516 Produce technical solutions from business specifications
ICTWEB504 Build a document using eXtensible markup language
ICTWEB505 Develop complex web page layouts
ICTWEB506 Develop complex cascading style sheets
ICTWEB508 Develop website information architecture
ICTWEB509 Use site server tools for transaction management
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