课程长度 1-1.5年 | 早课 晚课 | 周中课 周末课 | 分期付款
该资格反映了在老年服务中完成专门任务和职能的支持人员的作用; 在住宅,家庭或社区环境中。 工人将在已定义的组织准则内对自己的产出负责,并通过制定,简化和审查个性化的服务计划和交付来保持优质的服务交付。
Total number of units = 18
All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.
CHCADV001 | Facilitate the interests and rights of clients |
CHCAGE001 | Facilitate the empowerment of older people |
CHCAGE003 | Coordinate services for older people |
CHCAGE004 | Implement interventions with older people at risk |
CHCAGE005 | Provide support to people living with dementia |
CHCCCS006 | Facilitate individual service planning and delivery |
CHCCCS011 | Meet personal support needs |
CHCCCS023 | Support independence and wellbeing |
CHCCCS025 | Support relationships with carers and families |
CHCDIV001 | Work with diverse people |
CHCLEG003 | Manage legal and ethical compliance |
CHCPAL001 | Deliver care services using a palliative approach |
CHCPRP001 | Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships |
HLTAAP001 | Recognise healthy body systems |
HLTWHS002 | Follow safe work practices for direct client care |
Electives units
CHCAGE002 | Implement falls prevention strategies |
CHCAGE006 | Provide food services |
CHCAOD001 | Work in an alcohol and other drugs context |
CHCCCS001 | Address the needs of people with chronic disease |
CHCCCS007 | Develop and implement service programs |
CHCCCS010 | Maintain a high standard of service |
CHCCCS017 | Provide loss and grief support |
CHCCCS018 | Provide suicide bereavement support |
CHCCCS019 | Recognise and respond to crisis situations |
CHCCCS021 | Respond to suspected abuse |
CHCCCS022 | Facilitate independent travel |
CHCCCS026 | Transport individuals |
CHCCOM002 | Use communication to build relationships |
CHCDIS004 | Communicate using augmentative and alternative communication strategies |
CHCDIS007 | Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability |
CHCDIS008 | Facilitate community participation and social inclusion |
CHCDIS009 | Facilitate ongoing skills development using a person-centred approach |
CHCDIS010 | Provide person-centred services to people with disability with complex needs |
CHCDIV002 | Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety |
CHCDIV003 | Manage and promote diversity |
CHCEDU002 | Plan health promotion and community intervention |
CHCHCS002 | Coordinate and monitor home based support |
CHCINM001 | Meet statutory and organisation information requirements |
CHCLLN001 | Respond to client language, literacy and numeracy needs |
CHCMGT001 | Develop, implement and review quality framework |
CHCMGT002 | Manage partnership agreements with services providers |
CHCMGT006 | Coordinate client directed services |
CHCMHS001 | Work with people with mental health issues |
CHCPAL002 | Plan for and provide care services using a palliative approach |
CHCPAS001 | Plan for the provision of pastoral and spiritual care |
CHCPAS002 | Provide pastoral and spiritual care |
CHCSET001 | Work with forced migrants |
CHCSOH001 | Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness |
HLTAAP002 | Confirm physical health status |
HLTAHA013 | Provide support in dysphagia management |
HLTAHA018 | Assist with planning and evaluating meals and menus to meet recommended dietary guidelines |
HLTAHA019 | Assist with the monitoring and modification of meals and menus according to individualised plans |
HLTAHA021 | Assist with screening and implementation of therapeutic diets |
HLTAID003 | Provide first aid |
HLTAID006 | Provide advanced first aid |
HLTFSE001 | Follow basic food safety practices |
HLTHPS006 | Assist clients with medication |
HLTHPS007 | Administer and monitor medications |
HLTOHC002 | Inform and support patients and groups about oral health |
HLTOHC003 | Apply and manage use of basic oral health products |
HLTOHC004 | Provide or assist with oral hygiene |
HLTOHC005 | Use basic oral health screening tools |
HLTOHC006 | Apply fluoride varnish |
HLTWHS003 | Maintain work health and safety |
HLTWHS004 | Manage work health and safety |
BSBFIM501 | Manage budgets and financial plans |
BSBFLM306 | Provide workplace information and resourcing plans |
BSBINM201 | Process and maintain workplace information |
BSBLDR402 | Lead effective workplace relationships |
BSBMGT401 | Show leadership in the workplace |
BSBMGT406 | Plan and monitor continuous improvement |
BSBWOR204 | Use business technology |
TAEDEL402A | Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace |
TAEDEL404A | Mentor in the workplace |
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