课程长度 1-1.5年 | 早课 晚课 | 周中课 周末课 | 分期付款
This qualification reflects the role of massage therapists who provide general health maintenance treatments. It does not reflect the role of a remedial massage therapist. Practitioners may be self-employed or work within a larger health service.
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 80 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of units of competency.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Total number of units = 13
All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.
Core units
CHCCOM006 | Establish and manage client relationships |
CHCDIV001 | Work with diverse people |
CHCLEG003 | Manage legal and ethical compliance |
HLTAAP002 | Confirm physical health status |
HLTAID003 | Provide first aid |
HLTINF004 | Manage the prevention and control of infection |
HLTMSG001 | Develop massage practice |
HLTMSG002 | Assess client massage needs |
HLTMSG004 | Provide massage treatments |
HLTWHS004 | Manage work health and safety |
Elective units
Business Management
BSBSMB403 | Market the small business |
BSBSMB404 | Undertake small business planning |
BSBSMB405 | Monitor and manage small business operations |
BSBSMB406 | Manage small business finances |
Other electives
CHCAGE001 | Facilitate the empowerment of older people |
CHCCCS001 | Address the needs of people with chronic disease |
CHCCCS027 | Visit client residence |
CHCDIS007 | Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability |
CHCMHS001 | Work with people with mental health issues |
CHCPRP003 | Reflect on and improve own professional practice |
HLTARO001 | Develop aromatherapy practice |
HLTARO002 | Source and prepare aromatherapy products |
HLTREF002 | Provide reflexology for relaxation |
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