TAFELINK+61 2 8384 7150


+61 2 8384 7150


Certificate IV in Fitness 健身四级证书



课程长度 0.5 年


This qualification reflects the role of personal trainers who have specialist skills to train individual clients, or groups of clients, on a one on one or group basis, to improve health-related components of fitness in relatively low risk situations. This may include training of older adults and children. They have a substantial depth of knowledge and skills to plan, conduct and evaluate exercise training; provide leadership and guidance to clients and other staff; and deal with unpredictable situations applying defined guidelines and procedures from the fitness industry and the organisation.

They work independently, or with limited guidance from others, and use discretion to solve non-routine problems, including monitoring and managing business activities to operate efficiently and profitably.

This qualification does not provide the skills and knowledge for an individual to provide advice and exercise instruction to high risk clients, other than to refer the client to an appropriate medical or allied health professional however it does provide a pathway to work in a diversity of fitness industry businesses including fitness and gym centres, aquatic and community based facilities and in open spaces where risk management through risk assessment and control hazard processes does not already exist.

TAFE NSW requires students to be at least 18 years old on the date of enrolment to commence studying this qualification and must have a Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) level of at least 3 and be able to work at a level 4 at the commencement of this course.

Students must participate in an ‘Adult Pre-Exercise Screening at course orientation to demonstrate their fitness for the purpose of demonstrating skills required during this course and to ensure they are able to complete CPR on the floor as required by the unit HLTAID003.

  • Students need to provide appropriate gym attire, gym shoes, hand towel, water bottle, hat, sunscreen, sun glasses and gym bag to successfully complete this course.
  • Students will need access to the Internet and to a computer to be able to complete assessment activities outside the classroom.

Work Placement Requirements:

Work placement of 40 hours is recommended. Work experience allows students to work with both new and existing clients from the general public which allows them to practice their skills and apply their knowledge under supervision before entering the fitness industry. It also allows students to practice responding to real scenarios which cannot be replicated in a learning or simulated environment. Work placement hours and tasks will be recorded in a logbook and must be completed prior to completing the course.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.




SISFFIT001 提供健康检查和健身指导
SISFFIT002 认识并应用针对特定人群的运动注意事项
SISFFIT003 指导健身计划
SISFFIT004 将解剖学和生理学原理整合到健身程序中
SISFFIT005 提供健康饮食信息
SISFFIT006 进行健身评估
SISFFIT014 指导老年客户锻炼
SISXCCS001 提供优质的服务



12 门核心课程

8 门选修课, 包括:

  • 从A组中选择4门
  • 剩余的课程可从A组或B组中选择; 从SIS培训课程,或任何其他当前培训,或认可的课程中最多可以选择2门


SISFFIT013 指导13至17岁的年轻人锻炼
SISFFIT015 在健身环境中与医疗和专职医疗人员合作
SISFFIT016 提供积极影响锻炼行为的动力
SISFFIT017 指导长期运动计划
SISFFIT018 提升功能运动能力
SISFFIT019 将运动科学原理纳入健身计划
SISFFIT020 指导运动计划以实现身体部分目标
SISFFIT021 指导个人培训计划
SISFFIT023 指导小组个人培训计划
SISFFIT025 认识到为客户提供营养建议的危险
SISFFIT026 通过“健康饮食计划”支持健康饮食
SISXRES001 在露天场所进行可持续的工作实践
BSBSLS408 提供,保护和支持销售解决方案
BSBSMB401 建立小型企业的法律和风险管理要求
BSBSMB403 营销小型企业
BSBSMB404 进行小型企业规划
BSBSMB405 监控和管理小型企业运营
BSBSMB406 管理小型企业财务
BSBFRA301 在专营店中工作
BSBFRA402 建立专营店
BSBFRA403 管理与专营特许人的关系
BSBHRM405 支持人员的招聘,选拔和上岗
BSBPMG522 进行项目工作
BSBSMB306 计划家庭式业务
BSBSMB407 管理一个小团队
BSBSUS201 参与环境可持续的工作实践
CUFIND401A 免费提供服务
HLTWHS003 维护工作健康与安全
ICTICT203 操作应用程序软件包
SISCAQU012 在水上活动期间协助参与者有残疾
SISFFIT011 指导批准的社区健身计划
SISFFIT012 指导5至12岁儿童的运动计划
SISFFIT022 指导特定人群的水产养殖
SISFFIT024 指导耐力计划
SISSSTC301A 指导力量和调理技巧
SISSSTC402A 制定力量和适应计划
SISXCAI005 进行个性化的长期培训计划
SISXCCS002 协调客户服务活动
SISXCCS003 满足客户需求
SISXDIS001 促进残疾人包容
SISXICT001 选择和使用技术进行体育,健身和娱乐工作
SISXIND005 协调工作团队或小组
SISXIND006 进行体育,健身或娱乐活动

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